SVM Africa challange 2020


Lansko leto, smo od novo izvoljenega predsednika Aleša Volka, dobili “ukaz” 🙂 oz. izziv, da v sak član SVM roku treh mesecev, sestavi nekaj na temo Afrika. Lahko je kar koli, le da je tematsko povezano. Namen je izziva je bil, da povežemo naše člane v iznajdljivosti, kreativnosti, tekmovalnosti, ter s tem pokažemo naš kolektivni kreativni duh, pripadnost in pa na vse zadnje, kaj znamo. Prijavljeno je bilo 23 maket, od tega je bilo končanih 13. Torej veliko jih je padlo in le nekaj preživelo. :)) Tekmovalci izziva so bili:

  • Aleš Vovk Somali machine gunner from the 10th mountain division
  • Doran Pavlič VW BUGGY 1:32
  • Franc Cvelbar Hurricane in memory of Igor Beran, Commander B. Division 94 of the RAF Group. Who was shot down on November 13, 1943, over Crete.
  • Luka Jancic African soldier
  • Marko Mav German soldier DAK
  • Marko Poljanc LAND ROVER III LWB 1:24
  • Milan Hrestak Diorama LAND ROVER on Savanna 1:24
  • Peter Popovič AGUSTA A-109LUH SAAF 1:72
  • Predrag Hluchy Macchi MC 202 Folgore, North Africa 1942 1:72
  • Simon Djulinac DAK Diorama DAK “Way to Tunisia 1941” 1:35
  • Tian Pustovrh German Sd.kfz.250/9 DAK 1:35
  • Tomaž Vitez Angolian T-55 AM 1:35
  • Tomo Jakoš DAK Diorama 1:35

Teh 13 maket, si lahko danes ogledate v naši galeriji. 


Last year, we received an “order” or. a challenge, from the newly elected president Aleš Volk  to put together something on the topic of Africa. The challange went out to all the SVM members and we had 3 months to complrtr it. Each of us could build build anythin we wanted as long as it is Africa themed. The purpose of the challenge was to connect our members in ingenuity, creativity and competition. Thus showing ur collective creative spirit. 23 models were reported, of which 13 were completed. So many fell and only a few survived. :)) The contestants were:

  • Aleš Vovk Somali machine gunner from the 10th mountain division
  • Doran Pavlič VW BUGGY 1:32
  • Franc Cvelbar Hurricane in memory of Igor Beran, Commander B. Division 94 of the RAF Group. Who was shot down on November 13, 1943, over Crete.
  • Luka Jancic African soldier
  • Marko Mav German soldier DAK
  • Marko Poljanc LAND ROVER III LWB 1:24
  • Milan Hrestak Diorama LAND ROVER on Savanna 1:24
  • Peter Popovič AGUSTA A-109LUH SAAF 1:72
  • Predrag Hluchy Macchi MC 202 Folgore, North Africa 1942 1:72
  • Simon Djulinac DAK Diorama DAK “Way to Tunisia 1941” 1:35
  • Tian Pustovrh German Sd.kfz.250/9 DAK 1:35
  • Tomaž Vitez Angolian T-55 AM 1:35
  • Tomo Jakoš DAK Diorama 1:35

You can see these 13 models in our gallery today.

  • Datum
  • Kategorije
    1/24, 1/35, 1/48, 1/72, Civilna vozila, Diorame, Figure, Helikopterji, Samogradnja, Vojaška letala, Vojaška vozila

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